What is FSU AFROTC like according to a cadet pursuing a non-rated position?

I did not have many expectations coming in to AFROTC. I figured I would get a bit more physically fit, but other than that, I was actually unsure of what to expect. Other than a lot of exercise, I was unsure of whatever else AFROTC did.  

This program has completely changed me as a person. Before AFROTC, I did not have a lot of confidence in myself, had zero time management skills, and no leadership skills. Through this program, I was able to gain confidence. Every semester I realize I can handle more responsibility while keeping up good grades, and I get to directly lead 25 people every single day. However, the best part of AFROTC is the fact that I've been able to pay for the majority of my college tuition with the Air Force Scholarship. I'm the first person in my family to go to a big institution like FSU, and it feels amazing to do it with a scholarship. In this program I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in. When most of my high school friends have fallen victim to the freshman 15, I've been able to drop 4 minutes off of my mile and a half time! 

My expectations leaving this program are to commission into the World's Greatest Air Force. I hope to be able to travel the world while serving my country and to spend 20 years in the Air Force.

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