Students joining the program during the start of their freshman year, should follow the 4-year program academic map. For students joining the program after their first semester in college, you will need to follow the 3.5-year program academic map or the 3-year program academic map.
General Military Course (GMC)

The first two years of the program, taken during freshman and sophomore years, is called the General Military Course (GMC). This program of instruction is open to any student and consists of the AFR 1XXX and AFR 2XXX courses in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program. These courses deal with the Air Force structure and the development of air power. They strengthen interest in becoming a professional Air Force officer, develop knowledge of world military forces, and enable the student to understand how the United States Air Force supports national objectives and policies. Class enrollment size is limited, and priority will be given to FSU, FAMU, and TSC students enrolled in the AFROTC program.
AFR 1101. Foundations of the Air Force I (1 credit hour). This course deals with the Air Force structure as well as traditions behind customs and courtesies.
AFR 1102. Foundations of the Air Force II (1 credit hour). This course is a continuation of AFR 1101, dealing with Air Force structure and traditions.
AFR 2130. The Evolution of Aerospace Studies I (1 credit hour). This course, along with AFR 2140, is a study of airpower from balloons and dirigibles through the jet age, a historical review of airpower employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives, and a look at the evolution of airpower concepts and doctrine.
AFR 2140. The Evolution of Aerospace Studies II (1 credit hour). This course is a continuation of AFR 2130.
Professional Officer Course (POC)
The last two years of the program is called the Professional Officer Course (POC) and are taken during junior and senior year. Entry into the POC course is done on a competitive basis and consists of the AFR 3XXX and AFR 4XXX courses.

Completion of the POC courses is required by all students who seek a commission through AFROTC. These courses are designed to prepare college students to serve as active duty Air Force officers upon graduation and commissioning. The curriculum stresses national security in contemporary American society, leadership, management, and professionalism. Special emphasis is placed on developing the cadet’s communicative skills. Students not currently enrolled in the AFROTC program must have permission of the department chairperson prior to enrolling in these courses. Class enrollment size is limited, and priority is given to those FSU and FAMU students enrolled in the AFROTC program.
AFR 3201. Leadership Studies I (3 credit hours). This course is the initial semester of a study of leadership and management fundamentals. Material deals with general managerial and leadership concepts and theories and relates them to the Air Force junior officer. A block on communicative skills is included in this course.
AFR 3202. Leadership Studies II (3 credit hours). This course is a continuation of AFR 3201, studying leadership and management.
AFR 4211. National Security Studies and Preparation for Active Duty I (3 credit hours). Prerequisite: AFR 3202. This course, along with AFR 4212, includes an examination of the need for national security, analysis of the evolution of the American defense strategy and policy and of the methods for managing conflicts, and a study of the formulation of American defense policy and strategy.
AFR 4212. National Security Studies and Preparation for Active Duty II (3 credit hours). Prerequisite: AFR 4211. This course is a continuation of AFR 4211.
Note: If stated prerequisites are not met, permission of the professor of aerospace studies is prerequisite to all courses.
Leadership Laboratory
Leadership laboratory (LLab) is required for members of the AFROTC program. LLab is the formalized phase of leadership training conducted by the students. Students in the POC courses plan and conduct all activities associated with LLab, providing these students the opportunity to develop fundamental leadership and management skills.

For students in the GMC courses, LLab focuses on the topics of Air Force customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, and drill and ceremonies. All uniforms and equipment required for cadet activities are furnished.
As part of the LLab course, students are required to participate in Physical Fitness Training (PT) a minimum of twice per week. While these PT sessions will help you meet minimum Air Force fitness standards, you will need to exercise an additional 2-3 days per week on your own time to ensure you exceed the minimum standards and remain competitive. The average AFROTC cadet scores approximately 93 out of 100 points on the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). In preparation for entry into the AFROTC program, students should review the Air Force Fitness Program. Students should know the movement standards for the push-up and sit-up portion of the PFA, and the requirements to obtain a passing score on the PFA.
AFR 2233L. AFROTC Leadership Lab (0 credit hours). (S/U grade only.) For AFROTC cadets only. This laboratory explores topics related to AFROTC leadership.
Field Training
Students are required to attend a field training course before they may formally enroll in the POC. Field training occurs during the summer between sophomore and junior year and occurs at Maxwell AFB, AL, for 20 days. It is designed to evaluate military leadership and discipline, determine students’ potential for entry into the POC, and stratify students among their peers. All uniforms and equipment required for field training are furnished.

at summer field training.